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人教新起点小学一年级英语上册《Unit 8 Revision》教案

来源:学大教育     时间:2016-12-31 19:33:53

教案是老师教学的重要参照,在学习新课之前阅读老师制定的教案可以帮助大家掌握重点内容,因此在课前预习的时候要学会利用老师的教案,为此下面学大教育网为大家带来人教新起点小学一年级英语上册《Unit 8 Revision》教案这篇内容,希望大家能够认真阅读。


Let them check themselves.


To motivate the Ss to speak English correctly



Key points and difficult points.Listen and number.




卡片, 挂图, CAI


Step 1.Warming up


Say hello to all the Ss.

2) Watching video clip

T sings along and does action.

T: Can you follow me?

Step 2. Procedure

Greetings :let the students review the greeting.


Sing the song with actions and review the words

(2)New contents

The teacher hands out the balls and ask them what color they are.

Let some answer. And then ask them to say them out in English.

Then ask them what color you like? And which color do you like best? Let them answer in English.

Let them read the words.

(3) Games and group work

Then listen to the tape and sing the song.

Let them ask each other the question and remember them well.

(4) Colors

Then listen to the tape and sing the song.

Let them hand out the crayons and color the book depending on their own ideas.

At last, sing the song together and class is over.


Ask the students to remember the new things that they’ve learned in this class. Students’ Activity

Ss say hello.

Ss watch the video and follow the T.

Ss say hello to T.

Ss s ing the song with actions and review the words

Ss follow the teacher and do what the T ask them to do.

Ss play games.

Ss ask each other the question

Ss listen to the tape and sing the song.

学大教育网为大家精心准备了人教新起点小学一年级英语上册《Unit 8 Revision》教案这篇内容,希望大家能掌握利用教案的学习方法,想要获取更多的教案资讯,请登录学大教育网查阅。

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